Worship Team auditions are taking place after services in Gather 1 on Sunday, February 5th, 1:00p-3:00p for Catalyst. If you would like to try out, fill out an application and we will get back to you about setting up an audition time.

What To Expect

The audition will last about 15 minutes and will take place in Gather 1 at Christ Community Church after the second service. We will have you prepare 1-2 songs to sing or play, depending on your instrument. You'll have the support of a team around you, so no need to be nervous! We’ll get to know you a bit, get you set up, and invite you to play through the songs with the worship team.

As applicable, bring your instrument, any auxiliary equipment (no amps needed if you are a guitar player), and a good pair of headphones.

For each instrument or vocal part, we expect that you will rehearse along with the click/metronome provided below and come to your audition knowing the part just as it is played on the recording.

After your audition, you can expect to hear back from us about next steps by Thursday, February 9th. Thanks for being willing to serve in this way!

Rehearsal Tracks

If you are a VOCALIST, please download the sheet music and observe the youtube video. Then practice singing along with any of the instrumental tracks which have been modified to the correct key. Men, prepare to lead "Great Things" and harmonize "Goodness of God". Women, prepare to lead "Goodness of God" and harmonize "Great Things".

If you are an INSTRUMENTALIST, download the sheet music and practice along with the embedded mp3 file which elevates your part in the key we will audition.